
🗒 Text-Editor

Computer program that edits plain text.

The Project is targeting on using:
C language and win32 API to support the operating systems: Windows 2000 - Windows 10
C language and gtk3 API to support Gnome Environment based distributions.

The general C language standard used in the project: C89

## ☄️ Compilation and assembly Recommended Compiler for the Project: Tiny C Compiler.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text_editor

📟 User Interface


🔮 License

Licensed as: CC0 1.0 Universal, Public Domain Dedication. | License Faq
Authorship has been removed for this project, since the software depends on general knowledge and implies science.

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal License

Universal license for Software and Content

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal license has been chosen as it is the least complex and least restrictive license among MIT, GPL, BSD, Apache, Unlicense, Boost.

Convincing material

Public Domain and Open Source: 1 2 3